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Which is correct: No pain body revolution no gain, or "train don't strain?" Phil tells all What your body temperature has to do with growth hormone release The Sprint 8" workout ?the step by step monthly plan to get your metabolism "cooking" and your hormones flowing George A. Baselice, Winner of the MET-RX World's Best Personal Trainer Grand Championship and two award-winning books, including body revolution "The Turning Point", gives you his chapter "30 Days in the Hole!" "The World's Best Personal Trainer" shows body revolution you his "learn it fast, use it today" step-by-step 60 minute total body workout The right way to do aerobics to slash inches off your waist, hips and thighs... and what's wrong with conventional aerobics Why the amount of time you rest between sets makes all the difference between MAXIMUM results and ZERO results (another myth destroyed) A fantastically unique and challenging "hybrid" movement that works every muscle in the body while stimulating fat burning and aerobic conditioning at the same time A quick method to determine your calorie needs ?that