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After that, your results will slowly fitness training begin to flat-line as your body becomes accustomed to the same routine. In other words... When you do it the right way - in harmony with your body's natural physiology - it's actually easier to make gains in the first 30 days on a program than at any other time! Exercise physiologists call this the "law of adaptation." This is fitness training why workouts must be changed frequently to guarantee continued progress. Bodybuilders simply call fitness training it "the muscle confusion" principle. But changing your routines at random isn't good enough - you need a plan - and that's where this new "All-Star Trainer's" program comes in. In this course, you will not only discover how to meet all three conditions necessary for fast muscle growth and fat loss, you will also receive the actual day by day, pre-planned routines you need to blast right through any sticking point. Break Through Plateaus And Unleash a Massive Surge Of Natural Muscle Growth And Fat Loss!