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You may even have tried a fad diet or two, but found yourself right back where you started. The key to weight loss is burning regular physical activity. And surprisingly, you don't have to give up eating or make the gym your second home to see long-term, positive effects. Your body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain basic functions such as breathing, blood circulation and digestion. The energy required burning to keep your organs functioning is referred burning to as the resting or basal metabolic rate. Any time you are active, additional energy is required. It is obtained from glycogen (carbohydrates) and fat stored in the blood, liver, and muscles. The key to losing weight is to draw on the fat rather than on the carbohydrate reserves. Which of the two energy sources you use depends on the intensity and duration of your activity. The higher the intensity, the more your body will pull from the stored carbohydrates. The lower the intensity, the more your body will rely on fat as its fuel.