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Simply rely jamaica estates on your breathing and comfort. You are probably below your aerobic range if breathing is comfortable and talking is jamaica estates easy. If breathing is deep (not gasping) jamaica estates and gabbing not possible (but speaking is), you are exercising in your range. Being unable to speak more than three words together are signs that you are over your aerobic range. Remember, exercise that is performed within your heart rate range maximizes heart and other systemic fat loss benefits. Always get a medical checkup before starting any exercise program and get clearance from your physician before engaging in any exercise activity. The American Heart Association advises 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise three or four times a week. Doing less than this will minimize your health benefits. Exercising 4 or more times a week using WARP 9 will increase your health benefits, and maximize insulin sensitivity. Site Map Taking WARP 9 first thing in the morning and engaging in cardiovascular exercise on a empty stomach can optimize WARP 9 effectiveness.