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Each liter of oxygen that you consume generates approximately five calories of energy. For example, if you exercise for 30 minutes and consume 30 liters of oxygen, you'll have burned 150 calories. Without 4min directly measuring oxygen consumption, it's difficult to get an accurate estimate of energy expenditure during a workout. Another factor that affects the reliability of calorie counters is 4min the difference between net and gross calorie expenditure. Gross energy expenditure refers to the number of calories you burn during exercise plus your metabolic rate. Net energy 4min expenditure refers to just the number of calories you burn during exercise. Because calorie counters on some (but not all) exercise machines display gross energy expenditure, the figures they give can be misleading. A good example comes from a trial carried in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition [7]. A group of overweight women took part in an aerobic exercise program.