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and yet they still remain obese. So.. if overeating causes you to gain weight -- and undereating also causes you to gain weight, how much food is just right? In the next 5 minutes, as you read this article in its entirety, chewing the fat: fat loss and what exercise intensity is best. I'll not only show you the right amount of food to eat, but also when to eat it, chewing the fat: fat loss and what exercise intensity is best. and the right kinds of food to eat chewing the fat: fat loss and what exercise intensity is best. for your body type. This will help your body achieve its maximum metabolic rate and enable it to burn fat -- even while you're at rest. Before I begin, tell me -- how much weight do you want to lose? Please enter the number of pounds in the box on the right. pounds.Optionally, please enter your e-mail address here so I can send you my "10 Tips On How To Eat Healthy In Restaurants". Now, read on and I'll show you how to shed those pounds more easily than you've ever thought possible -- without starvation, fad diets, diet pills or drugs.