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High intensity interval training, indiana bbw known as HIIT for short, is the technique of alternating short (usually 30-60 second) periods of very high indiana bbw intensity cardio with short periods of low to moderate intensity. HIIT Workouts generally last only 15-25 minutes, total. HIIT has received a lot of press lately as being superior to steady state exercise. In some ways, it IS superior: HIIT burns a lot of calories during the workout, but where it really shines is after the indiana bbw workout. Your metabolic rate stays elevated longer after the workout is over than steady state, low intensity cardio. Here's an example of an ascending 21 minute HIIT workout on the Lifecycle stationary bike: Level 3: 5 minutes (warmup) Level 5: 1 minute (work interval) Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval) Level 6: 1 minute (work interval) Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval) Level 7: 1 minute (work interval) Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval) Level 8: 1 minute (work interval) Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval) Level 9: 1 minute (work interval) Level 4: 1 minute (recovery interval) Level 10: 1 minute (work interval - maxed out) Level 3: 5 minutes (cool down) This is just an example of