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However, my experience woodmere and research has shown woodmere that while there are risks, fasted early woodmere morning does work and the potential benefits outweight those risks when maximum fat loss is your goal. But don't take my word for it - examine the facts, test it while carefully monitoring body composition and lean body mass, and decide for yourself. The argument in favor of fasted early morning cardio goes something like this: 1. After an overnight 8-12 hour fast, your body's stores of glycogen are depleted and you burn more fat when glycogen is low. 2. Eating causes a release of insulin. Insulin interferes with the mobilization of body fat. Less insulin is present in the morning; so more body fat is burned when cardio is done in the morning. 3. There is less carbohydrate (glucose) in the bloodstream when you wake up after an overnight fast. With less glucose available, you burn more fat. 4. If you eat immediately before a workout, you have to burn off what you just ate first before tapping into stored body fat (and insulin is elevated after a meal.)