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Take some form of action every health information. single day. Whether you want to build muscle fast, lose stubborn body fat, health information. or increase your strength and energy, you need to take some form of health information. action every single day. And whether you're beginning an exercise program or consider yourself advanced, sit down, go over what you are looking to achieve, and then plot out specific steps you need to take to accomplish these goals. Then get acting on them. You'll find that the more you act on things, the more good things happen. The great thing about taking action towards a specific goal each and every day is that the Law of Momentum will start to take hold. Meaning, a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by some outside force. The flip side, of course, is a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by some outside force. Accept the challenge, do one or more things every day for the next nine weeks that will move you closer to a specific goal you have and see how the Law of Momentum starts to take effect in your life.