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Paul Lawrence Staten Island, NY Current Category: MALE TESTIMONIALS Change Testimonial Category Dean Hopkins live videos Loses 12 Pounds In 4 Weeks With Fat Vanish! Francesco, I received the Fat Vanish™ program about 1 month ago, and am now in the 5th week live videos of practicing it. When I began, I weighed live videos 280 lbs. At my first measurement (last Sunday) since beginning I now weigh 268 lbs. I also have much more energy, sleep much better, and perhaps most importantly, have a hope that at long last I have found the right path to permanently regain my health and appropriate weight. For that I thank you, and I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for leading me to your website. You are literally the answer to my prayers. In gratitude, Dean Hopkins Pasadena, CA Current Category: MALE TESTIMONIALS Change Testimonial Category Chris McGuinn Loses 5.5 Inches Of Stomach Fat With Fat Vanish! Your Fat Vanish program has helped me so much.