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WOW! I lost 2 1/2 inches at my waist and 7 pounds. My daughter lost 2 3/4 inches at her weight gainer build mucsle waist and 8 pounds We are weight gainer build mucsle so excited! Your program is so easy to follow and satisfying weight gainer build mucsle it's hard to believe it works (until you take measurements). I will keep you updated on our progress and will send you pictures when I've reached my goal. Thank you so much. :) AN UPDATE FROM LORI: After my measurements yesterday, I have lost an additional 1 1/2 inches at the waist and 3 lbs for a total of 4 inches and 10 lbs in four weeks!! Lori & Amanda VanderPloeg Plainwell, MI Current Category: FEMALE TESTIMONIALS Change Testimonial Category Kristina Veon Loses 4.5