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I know that the results will get even fatloss better as we go along. We both have 30-35 pounds to lose. In the past, we were doing very heavy resistance training, tons of dif exercises for each muscle group with lots of reps. fatloss Aerobics was at 1 hour + each time also. We did not change our eating habits although we have always eaten healthy, we thought. Well, we were wrong! We were fat, fat, fat and heading for serious health problems. With your diet fatloss plan, which is much easier to stick with than the Provida diet (on which I lost 20 pounds but could not stick with it), meals are fast and easy and I think reasonably healthy. My husband doesn't have all the allergies I have and he gets a lot more protein choices but I am happy with those I can eat. I am looking forward to a slim, toned, healthy body again.