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For example, it is doubtful that a runner would lose city clubs more body fat by jogging five miles slowly than by running five miles at race pace. Although fat contributes more calories during jogging than when racing, both activities have the same caloric cost and would be expected to have the same effect on body fat loss. Proof of this came about 10 years ago, when Gaesser and Rich studied two groups of city clubs college-age men who exercised on cycle ergometers three days per week for 18 weeks (2). One group exercised for 50 minutes at about 45% of VO2Max and the other group for 25 minutes at about 85% of VO2Max. The total energy expenditure was 300-350 calories per session, and most importantly, it was nearly identical for both groups. The low intensity group burned more fat during each of the training sessions, but after 18 weeks of training both groups had lost equivalent amounts of body fat (about 3 pounds) and both had reduced their percent body fat by the same amount.