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Likness skinfold test and Mary R. Shefferman (Editor) Dear Friend, skinfold test What if you skinfold test could wave a magic wand and suddenly look into your mirror to find the lean, healthy body you've always dreamed of smiling back at you? What if you could stop falling out of breath when you tie your shoes, and instead have the energy to keep pace with your own children? What if you had the confidence and self esteem to pursue your dreams? It's not as easy as waving a wand, swallowing a magic pill, or snapping your fingers ... but if you feel it is difficult or impossible, it's time you experience the keys to releasing your fat and embracing your faith. It's time you join those around the world who have overcome obstacles and triumphed through the power of International Health Coach Jeremy Likness' expert advice contained within Lose Fat, Not Faith: A Transformation Guide. So far, this has to be one of the best books on whole life improvement ever written. I mean that in all sincerity.