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However, they were done like this: 20 seconds of lifting (as many endurance training reps as one can do) followed by ten second rest. Repeat for four minutes (eight cycles). Looks endurance training easy on paper. Add weight when the last set is for 8 reps. Wednesday Arm Curls 3 sets Triceps Extension 3 sets Friday Clean and Press: I just kept adding weight doing one clean and as many presses as I could do. As the bodyweight came off, this lift just kept going up. One day a week: Some kind of game. Either flag football or similar team game, or a long rollerblade or bike trip. Total time would just be over one hour. Intensity was more important than time. That is all I did. The longest workout, save the games, was about twenty minutes. The Tabata workout was around four minutes, but all week to recover. So, what should a program look like? Short, simple, focusing on ONE weakness. I recently had a young man interested in the Olympic lifts, but months away from competition do this program: Monday Overhead squats: 3 sets of 8 Tuesday Upper body workout (He trained on machines at his school) Wednesday Overhead squats: 3 sets of 8 Friday Overhead squats: 3 sets of 8 He and his dad fished on the weekends and had to hike fairly far.