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The total energy expenditure was 300-350 calories per session, and most importantly, it was nearly identical for both groups. The low intensity group burned more fat during each of the training sessions, but after 18 weeks of training both groups had lost equivalent amounts of body fat (about 3 pounds) and weight loss success story both had reduced their percent body fat by the same amount. What explains these contradictory results? How can an individual lose weight loss success story body fat weight loss success story via exercise when little fat is burned during the exercise period? The answer lies in what occurs after the exercise is completed. The more carbohydrate burned during exercise, the more fat burned after exercise. This makes sense: when there is not much carbohydrate to burn, fat oxidation will naturally be accelerated. Bahr and Sejersted observed this process in six men who exercised for 80 minutes at three different intensities -- 29%, 50%, and 75% of V02Max (3).