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Some fats can help you burn body fat. That's right, while saturated fats m. laurel cutlip should be minimized in a fat loss diet, certain fats actually aid fat m. laurel cutlip loss, they are what's known as anti-lipogenic (prevent fat storage). They increase long term health, improve skin quality, hair texture and general all over health. It's all explained in detail. Find out which of these you should be taking, how much, and what they can and can't do for you. It's your body's response to refined sugars (carbohydrates) that make you fat. m. laurel cutlip Your body can only store so much before it converts what it doesn't need into fat. At the same time you should NOT restrict carbohydrates to the ridiculous levels seen in some literature, as in all things in life, it's balance that's important. How to perform aerobics & weight training for maximum fat loss.