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E-mail Address: Name: Fighting your Fat Loss demons, Doing The Math. See previouse article on discipline and fat loss. If you continue to believe that you are destined to be overweight, then you will best hospital fight with your inner self to be anything better. In essence if you change and stop feeling lazy, weak willed or fat ect, you will loose your old self. The "fat ego" has a way of wanting to self-preserve (even though outwardly you best hospital want to lose weight, you really do). Your fat voice will best hospital fight you. This is why change is hard. This is why starting a new fat loss life style will be a challenge. Your old self and those that know you, may get in the way. You must recreate yourself and become something more wonderful and beautiful than before.... lose your old self and create a better you. Fight that "fat ego voice" that wants to keep you down.