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Something can break this cycle--exercise. in order to lose weight we must create a caloric deficit, that is. we must expend more calories that we are consuming. This weight loss program for woman is done through exercise and proper nutrition, not fad diets. Through exercise we weight loss program for woman are able to burn calories and add muscle. For every pound of muscle we obtain, an extra 350 calories per week is burned in order to sustain this. We'll be using up extra calories even while we sleep. Aerobic exercises, such as walking and jogging. weight loss program for woman are excellent ways to bum calories. Always begin with a warm-up period of 3-5 minutes. gradually reaching your target heart rate. (Me is 60 to So percent of your maximal heart, which is estimated at 220-age. For example. if you are 60 yrs. old your target heart would be 96 beats per minute through 128 beats per minute.) Always start at the low end of your target heart rate. Exercising in this range for 15 through 20 minutes will allow for fat reduction to occur.