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You shouldn't workout for more than 180 minutes a week if you know the right healthy weight loss program way to weight lift! For hard gainers (skinny guys like you and I) there is a specific amount of time you can lift for before your body's healthy weight loss program testosterone levels will drop! When Testosterone Levels Drop It Causes Traumatic Over Training That Will Stop ALL Muscle Growth Dead In It's Tracks. Over Train Too Much And You Can Actually LOSE Muscle Mass! What you need is every last nitty-gritty detail and insider secret explaining exactly what healthy weight loss program it takes to get huge muscles in the shortest period of time possible - without using un-healthy supplements or steroids. Forget everything you might have read about what foods and supplements to eat. This hype crap might sound good, but it doesn't work. To Put It Simply: If you don't stop listening to everyone trying to sell supplements and meal replacement powders (MRP's) you'll stay just as bony, scrawny, & un-attractive as you are right now.