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Just the thought that all the plump dj fuss and work that went into the trip could make this kid happy MAKES IT ALL WORTH IT. At long last, my Gleewarts Express photos are now online! Laugh with delight as wizards and witches gather before you. Tremble in suspense as the Snook grapples with live snakes. Wee in your plump dj pants at the sight of a Marauding Mancho. Go on, I dare you. [6] A few days ago I read this editorial at plump dj the Sun-Times about Dove's new advertising campaign in the US. As they don't seem to have launched the campaign in Oz, I'd heard nothing about it. Apparently they're using "real women" instead of emaciated model types. Based on the comments Wendy mentioned in her article, I assumed that these were really big, like, obese women; still pretty but obviously a long way from traditional models.