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You don't have to pay bulletin board any of it back until you're making $36,000 a year?") So now I'm actually thinking about... maybe going back to school. Currently the only postgrad course they have is a Masters of bulletin board Education, but they're planning to add bulletin board more. Plus they have a BA in Communication, specializing in computers and the internet. How sweet would that be? I just don't know if they'd let me do it though, given that I already have a BA. (Can you do more than one?) My head is whirling right now.(Oh, and note to Amy: They're currently accepting Expressions of Interest for employment opportunities in the new Library...) Thursday, August 18, 2005 [1] I went running in the park this morning for the first time in two weeks. It was a little later than my last run - more like 8:30 than 6:30 - and consequently it wasn't so chilly out.