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He put the control group on a program that emphasized the above tests; the experimental group lifted weight gainer build mucsle kettlebells. weight gainer build mucsle In spite of the lack of practice on the tested exercises, the kettlebell group scored better in every one of them! This is what we call "the what the hell effect". Kettlebells melt fat without the dishonor of dieting or aerobics. If you are overweight, you will lean out. If you weight gainer build mucsle are skinny, you will get built up. According to Voropayev (1997) who studied top Russian gireviks, 21.2% increased their bodyweight since taking up kettlebelling and 21.2% (the exact same percentage, not a typo), mostly heavyweights, decreased it. The Russian kettlebell is a powerful tool for fixing your body comp, whichever way it needs fixing.