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And that was just the beginning of what building muscle mass I'll share with you! The magic that I discovered empowered me to lose 65 pounds of fat. Are you with me? Sixty-five pounds of fat building muscle mass cells — a whopping quarter million calories — gone for good. However, my journey was not yet complete. I still had pieces missing from the puzzle. I made the mistake of slipping into old habits, gaining the weight back, struggling to lose it again. Then ... POW! it clicked, and nothing would be the same again. I still get tears in my eyes when I building muscle mass think about just how magnificent this transformation has been. I see the image of the angry, worn, bloated face that would stare back at me in the mirror and then linger over the grotesque bulge that stuck to my frame like a badge of shame. I hear the heavy breathing as I struggled to reach down to tie my shoes, having to wrap them around the huge beer gut and not able to see what I was doing. And then I remember Miami ...