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Why do intervals? After you finish an intense interval workout your metabolism will remain elevated hours after you finish exercising. So for many hours after you finish your interval workout your body is still burning calories (burning fat). Think about it…while you are taking a shower after weight loss program for woman your interval workout you weight loss program for woman will still be losing weight. Even when you relax to watch TV you are still losing weight because that intense interval workout kept your metabolism (your fat burning furnace) running high hours after you finished working out…Interval training keeps your metabolism elevated throughout the day so you can weight loss program for woman burn more calories. Interval training should be treated like weight training and be done 2-3 times a week. >> Click here for Tom's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program >> Click here for Will's Muscle Building Nutrition Green Tea 300 Weightloss Patch Green tea extract is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants.