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Trouble was, when the invitation was made, I was not in peak condition. At the time of the announcement I was on a weight gain program, trying to see how big and strong I fitness model could get. I saw that I would be competing at 90 kg - or 198 pounds, so I got on the scale and saw that I weighed 225 pounds. This meant I had to drop almost 30 pounds in six fitness model weeks time. And still be strong. My quick weight loss diet was being fitness model put to the ultimate test. No problem, I thought. Six weeks later I weighed in at a lean, mean, kick-butt 194.5 pounds. And I had not lost an ounce of strength. I was ready to tear the head off my competition - and for all intents and purposes, did just that. I came home from China as the first and only American to ever win a gold medal in a world kung fu tournament held in China. "A 100% success rate for my clients - and a world title for myself" The good news is that I've finally put together all the components of my fat burning program for you.