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hours, increase muscle tissue with progressive strength training, and stay active (for more info on progressive strength weightloss camp trainings see my article entitled Success with Strength Training)! An easy way to stay on track is to ask your self before every meal or snack "what will I be doing for the next few hours?" If you are going to be at work and not that active then your body doesn't need a lot of calories. Don't forget that weightloss camp any extra calories (whether from vegetables or pizza) weightloss camp that don't get used will be stored as fat! MATCH YOUR EATING TO YOUR ACTIVITY LEVEL!Another major problem is the common misconception that your metabolism slows down as you age. This has been proven to be incorrect with hundreds of studies! Your metabolism slows down due to a loss of muscle tissue, and that is a direct result of a lack of strenuous physical activity. That is why it is so important to due some form of strength training. I also recommend performing 2-3 high intensity cardiovascular workouts per week on non-consecutive days.