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Will is the author of the best selling real world book, "Priming The Anabolic Environment", which you can find at any bookstore, Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble. And has now written his second ebook - Muscle Building Nutrition.. He is also a consulting sports nutrition editor for Physical magazine, and transformation guide writes a monthly column for the health and weight training magazine - MuscleMag International. Will is considered by many as one of transformation guide the top gurus on sports supplements transformation guide and training in the US. His articles and columns relating to nutrition, supplements, diet and weight loss, exercise and medicine can regularly be found in magazines including the following: Woman's World The Townsend letter For Doctors Muscle Media The Life Extension Magazine Exercise for men only Lets Live Muscle and Fitness Physical Will is also a well known trainer who's clients can be found in every walk of life, from everyday people to elite military personnel, police, bodybuilders, celebrity models, fitness contestants, professional athletes and sports people.