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For more information on this innovative fitness goals new product, please click on an e-mail link below or talk to the Reception fitness goals staff. BodyTrainer™ Revolution is not included in your membership fees. Auckland City Norm Phillips, Personal Training 09 379 9550 ext 229 or norm.phillips@lesmills.co.nz New Lynn Josh Bicknell, Personal Training Manager 09 826 0404 or josh.bicknell@lesmills.co.nz Takapuna Rob Richards, Personal Training Manager 09 488 9413 or Rob.Richards@lesmills.co.nz Wellington Extreme Theo Bostrovas, Personal Training Manager 04 384 8898 or Theo.Bostrovas@lesmills.co.nz Wellington on The Terrace Sarah Appleton, Operations manager 04 499 4777 or sarah.appleton@lesmills.co.nz Christchurch City fitness goals Ish Cheyne, Personal Training Manager 03 379 1140 ext 143 or ish@lesmillschch.co.nz Christchurch Ferrymead Ish Cheyne, Personal Training Manager 03 379 1140 ext 143 or ish@lesmillschch.co.nz Les Mills Dunedin Haagon East 03 477 2295 or haagon@lesmills-dunedin.co.nz