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And even when fat girls in thongs it’s fat girls in thongs not Queen’s Day, there are enough kooks in the streets and enough do-what-you-want attitude that it’s kind of like BRC year-round. I’ve been going to Amsterdam since 1994, and fat girls in thongs envying so many things about the place all along (No working poor! Bikes everywhere! Topless women on billboards!), but I do appreciate it more after having been to Burning Man, because it’s comforting to know that this ideal place that 30,000 people strive for every September is at least partially existent over here in Europe all the time. I’m perfectly willing to carry my wallet around for that. Zora Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 7:55 am Post subject: Journalist (and friend) Zora O'Neill on Food and Queensday The Amsterdam Diet (TM) I’m not in the habit of weighing myself, but after ten days in Amsterdam, I’m sure I lost weight. And it’s not an isolated incident: this happens on every trip. It also happens to Peter, who was the first one to identify this seemingly contradictory phenomenon.