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Posted by jonathanwithaj on February 14, 2006 08:34 AM They defended Kid plump wife Rock because he's terribly sensitive about... well just about everything. You see, he has to wake up in the morning and face the mirror just to realize that his best moment to date was break dancing for his high school talent show. Kid Rock is the plump wife reason America is loosing the war in Iraq. Kid Rock helped nail plump wife Jesus to the cross. He was the captain of the first ship to bring slaves over to America. He also assisted in killing Martin Luther King Jr. He was the gunman on the grassy knoll. He knows where Bin Laden is and supports him financially. Kid Rock is the personification of evil, but I wouldn't go as far to call him the anti-christ because that would require some charm and influence. Everything that is wrong in this world or has ever been wrong can be traced back to Detroit Michigan and I'm sure Kid Rock had something to do with it.