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I can't wait. We're gonna have so much fun dude. You have no idea how fun it really lavoratory is. Margaritas, daquiris, lavoratory sex on the City! Foam party! But Anywayz...I was gonna also tell you that I get off work at 7:30 tomorrow and I'm still gonna go to my dad's even though he's leaving tomorrow night, and i was wondering if you wanted to go with me and stay there with me. Have a great day! w/b ~Eric~ Ade 3/7/2006 10:39 AM yeah u better call lavoratory us back this time. we need to get shitfaced asap!! *~SaSHa~* 3/6/2006 12:20 PM Thanks for all the picture comments!!!!!!!!! ~DuStY~ 3/6/2006 10:48 AM well my phone got shut off cuz im a poor ass white girl and cant afford to pay for anything but it should actually be back on in the next couple days...but