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of thats y i was asking Nicole 3/9/2006 plump wife 8:33 PM so wu r we doin tomorr erika??? Spencer 3/8/2006 3:43 PM Thank for all the comments! Same old same, different sisters to entertain my mister! If you know what I mean! The Queen 3/8/2006 10:32 AM Erika Anderson ! Ok so Raina is gonna get a little soft and mushy with you right now.... Yesterday you do not understand how much that meant to me when plump wife you told me what you did plump wife . I know you are probably like what the fuck its not a big deal , but to me it really is . Ive become so close to you that it was scaring me for awhile, only because most girls are fake . As you and I have both experienced . We share sooo many memories and things in common that is is unbelieveable . For real, especially our twin brains ! I love it . I also find it true that you and I are friends for life , I know you hated me and the fact that I like girls when you first met me in 9th grade but contrary to that I am so glad some how you gave me a chance on one drunken night at coryz during the summer, and since then have gotten close .