clarinetist/band leader) Dody Goodman: movie plump amateur

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clarinetist/band leader) Dody Goodman: Delores Goodman (comic film actress, b1929) John Goodman: Karl Mundt (Matinee movie & tv actor/frequent SNL host, b1952) William Goodrich: Roscoe Conklin 'Fatty' Arbuckle (directed comedy films under this pseudonym after plump amateur the press scandalized his career) Goofy: Dippy Dawg [later: Dippy the Goof] (animated Disney canine) Mikhail S. Gorbachev: Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (Russian Soviet president, 1985-91) Frances Gordon: Bridget Wood (writer) Gale Gordon: Charles T. Aldrich, Jr. (movie, radio, stage & tv actor/comedian, b1906 d1995) Ruth Gordon: Ruth Gordon Jones (actress/scriptwriter, plump amateur b1896 d1985) Tipper Gore: Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson Gore (child plump amateur advocate/presidential advisor on mental health/Second Lady, b1948) Gorgeous George: George Wagner (world-champion wrestler) Maxim Gorki: Aleksei Maksimovich Peshkov {Pyeshkov?}
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