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Click Here 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing leg curls and leg extentions instead of doing squats? Click Here 4. I've been doing a lot of crunches and sit-ups combined with aerobic exercise a few times a week for a few months, but I'm not seeing any results. I want to lose 30 5k training pounds and get six-pack abs. Can you tell me the correct way to do crunches effectively 5k training because I think I may be doing them wrong? Click Here 5. I heard from my friend that weight training exercises can be 5k training differentiated into 3 types -- stamina building, power training and body shaping. Can you tell me the difference between the 3 types and elaborate a bit on the different exercises for the 3 types? Click Here 6. What is the main difference between using an EZ curl bar and using a straight bar for curls? Is one bar more effective for building the biceps?