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This rockville shouldn't come as a surprise, especially when you consider the fact most subjects make such little progress. In an attempt to make their study more reliable, researchers designed the HERITAGE Family Study, describing it as the largest, well-controlled training study of its kind [13]. A large group of 557 men and women was followed as they embarked on a 20-week exercise program. Each subject was required to exercise three times per week for an rockville average of 42 minutes. Researchers even rockville went to the trouble of having each bout of exercise monitored by an exercise technician and a computer. Following a grand total of 60 exercise sessions over a period of almost six months, the average amount of fat lost was slightly less than two pounds, prompting scientists to admit that aerobic exercise "is not a major factor" in weight loss. Calorie counters This isn't surprising when you consider how many calories are contained in a pound of fat the equivalent of roughly 3,555 calories.