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After ingestion of creatine monohydrate, the human body experiences a 50% creatine receptor-cite downgrade, peaking after approximately 6 hours.1 As a result, large doses of creatine (up to 10 grams) will need to be consumed over a period of time to maximize cellular uptake. The inclusion of a nutraceutical dose of Dextrose (75g) is the same dosage advocated by the World triathlon training program Health Organization (W.H.O.) for physicians to assess the efficiency of Insulin production in potential triathlon training program Diabetic patients.2 This triathlon training program dosage may maximize Insulin output, which is necessary for optimum creatine uptake.3 Sports Nutrition experts and trainers alike realize that Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Once stimulated, it drives carbohydrates, amino acids Protein), and creatine Monohydrate Energy Bars OH YEAH BAR Protein Bar ISS ResearchYour Price - $24.23 OH YEAH! BAR 12/BX - ISS Research Oh Yeah! - It's That Good! Maybe that's hard for you to swallow.