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His articles and columns relating to nutrition, supplements, diet and weight loss, exercise and medicine can regularly be found in magazines including the following: Woman's World The Townsend letter For Doctors Muscle Media The Life Extension Magazine Exercise for men only Lets Live Muscle and Fitness Physical Will is also a well known trainer who's clients can be found in every walk of life, from everyday people to elite military personnel, strength training police, bodybuilders, celebrity models, fitness contestants, professional athletes and sports strength training people. As you can see Will is probably more qualified than anyone else to strength training take you by the hand and lead you through the mine field of the fat loss industries "marketing noise"... Will Brink's "Diet Supplements Revealed" cuts directly through the hype and B.S in the supplement and diet industry If you'd like to cut through the diet industry's hype and BS, and get immediate access to information that can help you achieve your fat loss goals faster than ever before, then Will Brink's "Diet Supplements Revealed" is probably what you have been looking for...