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And there's no TV. HomeBlogPhotos|Lists  .bvError{margin:0 0 8 0;} .bvSection{border-style:none;margin-left:0px} .bvwordwrap{width:100%} nokia   Blog    Previous entry: Desert Island,...Next entry: How to Do Many...  February 09Carb-Boom! Back in November, I wrote a review of the energy gels I have tried. The short version of that story was: gels are a necessary evil. Except the necessary part, maybe. Then, toward nokia the bottom, I said: There are a lot of brands out there I haven’t mentioned. Carb-Boom, for example. If they’d like to send me a batch, nokia I’ll try it and even write about it. To my surprise, I shortly afterward got an email from Mike of Carb-Boom, asking for my address.
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