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Der. Favorite Show::24 Your Car::Mustang GT Convert.. :D Your Hometown::Uughh... Bloomington? Your Present Town::New Market Your Crushes First Name::Girls are icky. Your Grade::12th Your Style::Preppy * . . Have You Ever . . *Sat on your rooftop?:Yessem Kissed someone in the rain?:Not a downpour... But it was drizzly. Danced plump nude in a public place?:Indeed I have. Smiled for no reason?:I suppose. Laughed so hard you cried?:I just did when my Dad told me the dildo story. Peed your pants after age 8?:Nopers Written a plump nude song?:I... Don't think so. Sang to someone for no reason?:A couple times. Performed on a stage?:Yuuuuuuup Talked to someone you don't know?:A stranger is just a friend you haven't met.. :P Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:I guess. Made out in a theatre?:Movie theatre? Yeah. Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:Rollerblading.
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