Pretty neat. I went movies depression

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Pretty neat. depression I went to the Metropolitan with my friends last week. Ever since, I want to learn to do oil painting. Honestly, I don't know the difference between depression acrylic and oil. (shame on me!) Also, I found out yesterday that one of my friends drive a Mini Cooper. It was creamy color and so pretty. I am furious. I wish I had a car. I keep on feeling these days, that my parents aren't as rich as I thought they were. depression I should get a job next school year. Posted by yejingle at 08:42 0 comment(s) July 09, 2005 yejingle says: Blah. Everyday feels so same these days. You know, the same routine over and over again. I wish I'd learned to drive last year. Then I could have gone somewhere by myself and done something crazy. I need to learn to drive. I plan to get a used Vespa rather than a car, so I don't have to drive people.
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