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18. Posted by HeeHaw on February 17, 2006 09:40 AM What's sad is the way that people can't just say "HEY, MAKING JOKES ABOUT KICKING PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE STOMACH ISN'T FUNNY"...period. Without having to throw in "But I online love your site!" or "but normally I laugh my ass online off at your stuff" or "but other than that, keep up the good work.... Why? Because everybody's worried about the backlash of doing that, so they have online to sugar coat it and wrap it with a compliment. F*** the people who would jump down your throat for saying it like it is. Their responses are so predictable at this point, so seriously, f*** 'em. If it's not funny...then it's not funny. Speak your mind, don't wrap it in a compliment, don't sugar coat it. And don't worry about the backlash from the gang of rabid idiots who are sure to pounce on you with their same old tired schtick they use on everybody who points out when something isn't funny, or went over the line, etc. F*** 'em. If they don't like you pointing that out, too f***** bad for them.