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6. i dont really have one "style"- i can be scrub, cute, plump lesbians prep, skate, classy.. 5. HI! IM NOT plump lesbians A SLUT! 4. i ♥ cars. they are sexy. 3. yah, i got a 4.0 last quarter.. aka- I'M ACTUALLY SMART. 2. i ♥ flirting. 1. friends and family are the most important. This Parts Kinda A Big Dealim a currently a junior at WWU, going to get a masters in special educationbut these classes are pretty intense. i take my schooling SERIOUSLY. sorry- i actually have a brain and enjoy using it!.i'm interested in low plump lesbians incidence disabilites, teaching in a life skills classroom, or maybe getting specialized in EBD- emotional behavior disorders. or maybe something in sign language too. who knows!IM CURRENTLY IN .... i'm meeting some really great people though (some of my closest friends♥), and am learning so much about my career.