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Cool by me. Back in 2002, Denise & I journeyed East; in 2003, accompanied by David Hale, we made the mother of all road trips West; this year, we're heading North, to Michigan, Canada, and fat girls pics ... somewhere else. We haven't decided exactly where yet, which to my mind is a nice, loosey-goosey change of pace. Denise is fat girls pics a drill sargeant when it comes to trips. "You! Traveler! Where are we going tomorrow?! Re-port! What? I - can't - hear - you! Where are we going?! What will we be doing?! Sound off! That is correct! You fat girls pics may now sleep for 2 hours, and then I will be waking your sorry ass up, and you will be in that van by 0700 hours, and we will move along to our next destination, and we will have fun! Is that understood? Isthatunderstood?! That is correct! Lights out! Go to sleep!" OK, OK, I'm exaggerating.
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