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interesting, wasn't that done with Cuba (60's), invention Vietman (70's), and Afghanistan (80's), and wait for it Iraq (90's)...disengagement was the official US foriegn policy of the entire Cold War, because most foriegn policy intellectuals believed that communism and dictatorship were the wave of the future anyway. invention In the ideological vacuum, created when the cold war ended, it was filled with pan-Arab nationalism (Nazism), islamism (Leninism), and transnational progressivism (read: UN, EU, NGO's). The reason that the Middle East, Africa, and Soviet Central Asia invention are in the situations they are today is not that the US was too engaged or too involved (ie imperalist) but that the US was disengaged (isolationist). I wonder what the dollar cost or the human tragedy costs of the US policy of disengagement with Cuba are? I wonder if anyone did a cost benefit analysis saying that if we fully engage in Cuba it will cost X and if we disengage it will cost Y. Did that chart consider the resultant refugee flow from Cuba, the Latin American imperial ambitions of the "revolutionary" Cuban government, or the waste of the political prisions, all of which had to have a dollar cost as well as a human cost?