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I hope you see the obvious errors in method here -- you're not really saying anything.So what would you say to a article in the NY Times by a plump xxx former Clinton aide plump xxx - Sydney Blumenthal, for example - reviewing the Clinton years? As politely as I can put it, this kind of article plump xxx would be an opinion, reflection, contingent historical piece per se. If he presents facts that can be verified about Clinton and it is well constructed in terms of arguing for certain points and arriving at sound conclusions, then only a fool would dismiss the article on account of the author. What is lacking in your posts is intellectual honesty. That is, honesty to say what you reject is the credibility of the neo-conservatives, to attack them outright and present your case on that. I think the right has earned credibility in America, and the burdon of proof is on others to show exactly why some person cannot be trusted on their facts.
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