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Get a grip John. For fucks sake, things weren't that bad. Who fatty oils hasn't made a dick of themselves and lost their job at least fatty oils once. And now poor Lucy can't dump him or she'll be painted as a heartless bitch. I can't wait for the New Idea story, of John and Lucy 'moving on' and 'finding peace'. Peter Costello is now buying Submitted by insertnamehere on fatty oils August 31, 2005 - 11:54. Peter Costello is now buying into Brogden's attempted suicide and is quoted as saying Nothing is worth that. Nothing is worth trying to end it all and he ought to know that whatever the pain he's feeling from public shame or from newspapers, he's got friends and he's got family and that's more important. This from a man who drove Senator Nick Sherry to attempt suicide. Fuck off and die, Costello, you cunt. I'll shut up now. Oh and I see Brogden's sorrow Submitted by insertnamehere on August 31, 2005 - 11:49. Oh and I see Brogden's sorrowing colleagues are blaming the media - as per usual.
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