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 Funeral For A Friend  View All of Ruth 's Friends Ruth's fat girls fucking Friends Comments Displaying 25 of 25 comments (View/Edit All Comments) Mostly Harmless 3/14/2006 8:31 PM I'm not the only person with a fear of squirrels, a guy that works in our union has the same uber huge fear of them as me. Moan the badgers! ]._x.1..2..Your Face..My Shoe..x..[ 3/12/2006 6:56 AM Hey sorry i've took so long to reply my comps been kinda..malfunctioning..bein a bawbag rlly snooooooow here too! fat girls fucking we're not allowed to hopefully no school tomorro..coz the big feck off buses wnt be able fat girls fucking to get in =] hows uni life recently? x ]._x.1..2..Your Face..My Shoe..x..[ 2/15/2006 5:04 AM aww yay cooool =] well i might see yoo there then.... i'll try n find yoo...well
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