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THE TOP 12 FINGER POSES YOU plump gallery SHOULD STOP USING ALREADY! : according to becky, iskii and ronnie. 1. the frigging peace signs. OMFG. ARE YOU GUYS NOT TIRED OF IT? it's soooo chinkychong la. (ed: although i was once caught doing it while i was super tipsy. but that's the only time i was EVER, ever guilty plump gallery of it). well, and this is just lewd. 2. the finger-poking-cheek smile. hello? is this suppose to be cute?! 3. blowing kisses. uhm, it actually works out for some but most of the time, plump gallery IT DOESNT. 4. the flower-petal pose. the last time i remembered when this pose was the IN thing was BACK IN KINDY! this pose is available in half-a-petal-pose too. ;) 5. the L below chin (or anywhere near the face).